Friday, 5 August 2011

Summer on a plate...

If ever there was a good time to try eating seasonally, summer would have to be it. The choices are endless and delicious at this time of year - strawberries, plums, broad beans, cucumber and courgettes, just to name a few. It has been the perfect month for fresh whole fruit and crispy cool salads.

I found a great site called Eat Seasonably that was really helpful, with a calendar of all the best seasonal fruit and veges for each month of the year.

Over the last month I've been attempting to limit my seasonal fruit and vege purchases to markets, and to organic box deliveries. That way I know they're genuinely seasonal, not all-year round hydroponics that just happen to be selling during that season (even a broken clock is right twice a day). Organic boxes in particular have been a real inspiration. There are some great companies in the UK, including Abel & Cole and Riverford Organics, who source their fruit and veg from a network of local organic farms. They also include helpful tips and recipes to make the most of what's in season at the time.

The advantage of box deliveries is also that you get a set delivery of seasonal produce, rather than picking your own individual items, so you get to try a real range of things that you might not otherwise think to pick. This week among other things I got some fantastic yellow plums, and a candy-like striped beetroot - yum!

For my next mission I'm setting out to meet some real greenies in the hopes of some inspiration rubbing off on me. My mission is to do some green volunteering - to get out there and talk to some real eco-activists and find out what they're all about. Will keep you posted!

On a side note: I've seen two great environmental films in the last few weeks that I wish everyone would watch. 1) The End of the Line, about the effects of over fishing. 2) We Feed the World, a look at the global food industry.

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